Stormwater Volunteer Oppportunities

Stream Stewardship
The Stream Stewards program is a volunteer program aimed at encouraging Corvallis citizens care for local streams. Each volunteer is asked to make a year-long team commitment to a stretch of a stream located within the City of Corvallis. As a volunteer, you may choose to join a Stream Team or create your own team. 

Alternatively, City staff can help match you to an existing Stream Team that is aligned with your areas of interest. Although a commitment is required, what that commitment looks like will vary from person to person and from team to team. 

There are four different categories of Stream Steward activities: 
- Stream Stewardship Mentoring 
- Water Quality Monitoring 
- Stream Insect Monitoring 
- Stream and Wetland Restoration Work 

A participant may choose to be involved in just one of these areas or all four. The City of Corvallis will provide all necessary training, equipment, and support. No previous experience required. 

For more information, contact Ted Hart by e-mail or at 541-766-6454, and click here for an application to the program.

Storm Drain Labeling 
You may have seen the "No Dumping, Drains to River" message labeled next to a storm drain on your street as a reminder not to dump anything down a storm drain. Many people think that pollutants entering the storm drain system will be cleaned up at the Wastewater Treatment Plant before being discharged into the Willamette River. However, in Corvallis, most storm drains empty directly into our local streams. A few storm drains in Corvallis do end up at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, but paint thinner, antifreeze, and other household chemicals can kill the "good bugs" that are necessary for proper wastewater treatment. 

Labeling storm drains with the message "Dump No Waste, Drains to River" is one way to inform our community and do your part to help protect local rivers and streams. Volunteers have been our primary source of getting the message to the streets, and with more than 7,500 storm drains in the city, we need your help! We provide you with all of the supplies, including glue, drain markers and safety vests. 

If you are interested in organizing a storm drain labeling party in your neighborhood, with your faith community, scout troop, or any group, now is the time to take action and join the Stormwater Program in being part of the Solution to Pollution! 

Stream Clean-up Events 
The Stormwater Program partners with other local agencies to host several stream clean-up events every year. Contact the Stormwater Program for more information or to receive information about upcoming stream clean-up opportunities. Join your community in cleaning up our local waterways by helping to pick up litter, clear debris, and remove invasive species from along our creeks and streams. 

Visit Corvallis Parks and Recreation for more volunteer opportunities!