Active Land Use Cases (Incomplete Applications)


Land use applications are accepted and processed by the Community Development department, with support from other city departments. Depending on the type of application, decisions are made either administratively by staff, or at a public hearing by the Planning Commission, Historic Resources Commission, or City Council.


With the exception of Property Line Adjustments, all land use applications require some form of public notice and comment period, prior to a decision being made. You may submit written testimony concerning a land use application, during the comment period, using one of the following methods:

  1. USPS mail (City of Corvallis Planning Division, P.O. Box 1083, Corvallis, OR 97339),
  2. deliver in person to City Hall
  3. e-mail
  4. City Council public hearings - online submittal form

Applications are first reviewed by staff to ensure they are complete and that they address all approval criteria. The following land use applications have been received by Community Development, but have not yet been deemed complete.


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In addition to land use decisions made by the Community Development Director, the following elected officials and Boards and Commissions make recommendations and decisions on specific land use actions. Click on a link below for more information.



Electronic copies of staff reports are available by clicking on the links above. You may also visit the Planning Division at City Hall to view a paper copy of the staff report, and in the reference section of the downtown Corvallis-Benton County Public Library one week prior to the public hearing. The staff reports will be posted on this web site seven days prior to the public hearing (see links above). In some cases, an application must be reviewed by both the Planning Commission and the City Council; the Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the City Council and the Council is the final decision maker. If this is the case for a specific application, both hearings bodies are listed; the later hearing date and staff report information will be added when it becomes available. Information is left on this page until the end of the appeal period. Some additional information about land use applications is available from All Planning staff can be contacted at 541-766-6908 or via e-mail.